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A High-Resolution Integrally-Coupled Ice, Tide, Wind-Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Western Alaska


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LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), Karen A Murphy(administrator), Robert Grumbine, PhD(Principal Investigator), Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(funder), Alaska Climate Science Center(funder), Joannes Westerink(Co-Investigator), Jesse Feyen(Cooperator/Partner), Hendrik Tolman(Cooperator/Partner), Andre van der Westhuysen(Cooperator/Partner), 2016-05-25(Release), A High-Resolution Integrally-Coupled Ice, Tide, Wind-Wave, and Storm Surge Model for Western Alaska,,


The western coastline of Alaska is highly susceptible to coastal storms, which can cause coastal erosion, flooding, and have other pernicious effects to the environment and commercial efforts. The reduction in ice coverage due to climate change could potentially increase the frequency and degree of coastal flooding and erosion. Further, estuaries and delta systems act as conduits for storm surges, so when there is less nearshore ice coverage, these systems could introduce storm surge into terrestrial environments unaccustomed to saline intrusion, flooding, or other alien biogeochemical factors.This project quantified the effect of reduced nearshore ice coverage on coastal flooding. The project developed a large domain tide, wave and [...]


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Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative(Data Owner)

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