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Final Report: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus)


Publication Date
2012-09-14 05:00:00
Start Date
2012-09-14 05:00:00
End Date
2012-09-14 05:00:00


William (Bill) E. Van Pelt(Principal Investigator), Lyman McDonald(Author), Jim Griswold(Author), Troy Rintz(Author), Grant Gardner(Author), Western Ecosystems Technology, Inc.(Originator), Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative(publisher), 2012-09-14(Publication), Final Report: Results of the 2012 Range-wide Survey of Lesser Prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus)


We flew aerial line transect surveys between March 30 and May 3, 2012, to estimate the abundance of lesser prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) and lesser prairie-chicken leks in four habitat regions in the Great Plains U.S. Estimates were supplemented with data from surveys conducted by Texas Tech University in two regions in the Texas Panhandle and surveys conducted by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation in Oklahoma. We also estimated the number of mixed species leks which contained both lesser and greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) and the number of hybrid lesser-greater prairie-chickens. The study area for 2012 included four regions containing the 2011 estimated occupied lesser prairie-chicken range: [...]


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Within the five states of its range (Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, and Colorado), the lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus, LEPC) remains present on sand sagebrush (Artemesia filifolia), mixed- and short- grass prairies of western Kansas and eastern Colorado, through portions of northwest Oklahoma, the northeast Texas panhandle, and into the shinnery oak (Quercus havardii) and sand sagebrush habitat of eastern New Mexico and western Texas. Agencies in these states monitor LEPC breeding populations annually within the known occupied range of the species, however, monitoring efforts have differed markedly among agencies and inferences have been made about populations using a variety of methods. This variation in survey methods and effort complicates attempts to understand LEPC population size and trends, and makes comparisons among areas difficult. Our objectives were to develop common, statistically robust survey and analysis methods to monitor LEPC population size and trends within the region and apply those methods in a pilot study in spring of 2012.

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