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Distribution and ecology of lampreys Lethenteron spp. in interior Alaskan rivers


T. M. Sutton. 2016. Distribution and ecology of lampreys Lethenteron spp. in interior Alaskan rivers. Journal of Fish Biology (2017) 90, 1196–1213 doi:10.1111/jfb.13216, available online at


This study describes phenetic characteristics and examines the life history of anadromous Arctic lamprey Lethenteron camtschaticum and freshwater-resident Alaskan brook lamprey Lethenteron alaskense in two tributaries of the middle Yukon River, Alaska. Larval lampreys could not be identified to species using pigmentation density patterns or trunk myomere counts, but adults could be identified to species based on colouration, body size and oral-disc dentition. Although larvae were patchily distributed in both rivers, there was a greater proportion of sample locations where Lethenteron spp. were absent in upper reaches than in middle and lower reaches. Relative abundance, density and median and maximum total length (LT) of larvae were [...]


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T. M. Sutton

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  • Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse
  • Pacific Region, Region 1
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)


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