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Northeast Lake and Pond Habitat Guides


2018-01-12 21:58:04
Last Update
2018-02-06 20:38:43
Publication Date


Arlene P. Olivero(Originator), Mark G. Anderson(Originator), North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2018-01-12(creation), 2018-02-06(lastUpdate), 2016-01(Publication), Northeast Lake and Pond Habitat Guides


Citation: Olivero-Sheldon, A. and M.G. Anderson. 2016. Northeast Lake and Pond Habitat Guide. The Nature Conservancy, Eastern Conservation Science, Eastern Regional Office. Boston, MA.The aquatic habitat guides are a companion to the Northeast Lake and Pond Classification (Olivero and Anderson, 2016; available at and is an addition to the Northeast Habitat Guides: A Companion to the Terrestrial and Aquatic Habitat Maps (Anderson et al. 2013).The guides provide users with a compact fact sheet describing each of the mapped habitats, and providing information on the ecology and conservation status of the habitat, including: Map of the regional distribution Photos of example habitat Description and ecological [...]


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