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Update to the groundwater withdrawals database for the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, 1913-2010


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Elliott, P.E., and Moreo, M.T., 2018, Update to the groundwater withdrawals database for the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system, Nevada and California, 1913-2010: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Note: This data release has been revised. Find version 2.0 here: Groundwater withdrawal estimates from 1913-2010 for the Death Valley regional groundwater flow system (DVRFS) are compiled in a Microsoft® Access database. This database updates two previously published databases (Moreo and others, 2003; Moreo and Justet, 2008). A total of about 38,000 acre-feet of groundwater was withdrawn from the DVRFS in 2010, of which 47 percent was used for irrigation, 22 percent for domestic, and 31 percent for public supply, commercial, and mining activities. The updated database was compiled to support ongoing efforts to model groundwater flow in the DVRFS. References cited: Moreo, M.T., Halford, K.J., La Camera, [...]


Point of Contact :
Peggy E Elliott
Originator :
Peggy E Elliott, Michael T Moreo
Metadata Contact :
Peggy E Elliott
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
Nevada Water Science Center

Attached Files


This database contains groundwater pumpage from the DVRFS as estimated to support the development of a transient groundwater flow model.

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DOI doi:10.5066/F75H7FH3

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