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Mount Ypsilon, Rocky Mountain National Park, Larimer County, Colorado. 1913.


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Album caption and index card: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, picture by the Union Pacific Railroad, 1913, Mount Ypsilon, which, with Hague's Peak and Flat Top, form sentinels standing just within the crooked arm of the Continental Divide. Ypsilon is 13,500 feet high, while Hague is 13,382 and two miles north. Note: Whenever this photograph is reproduced, it must state immediately beneath the reproduction: "Courtesy of the Union Pacific Railroad." Handwritten notes on album caption: Long's Peak quad, Larimer County, Colo.


Data Owner :
U.S. Geological Survey
Photographer :
Union Pacific Railroad

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Available in the U.S. Geological Survey, Denver Library Photographic Collection, Topography A Collection.


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