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Pacific Northwest Climate Prioritization for Bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Prioritization of current and future climate-suitable range for bird Species of Greatest Conservation Need in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington




Schuetz, J. G., G. M. Langham, C. U. Soykan, C. B. Wilsey, T. Auer, and C. C. Sanchez. 2015. Making spatial prioritizations robust to climate change uncertainties: a case study with North American birds. Ecological Applications 25:1819–1831.


Species: Bobolink; Brown Pelican; Burrowing Owl; Common Loon; Common Nighthawk; Ferruginous Hawk; Franklin's Gull; Grasshopper Sparrow; Horned Lark; Loggerhead Shrike; Long-billed Curlew; Marbled Murrelet; Mountain Quail; Olive-sided Flycatcher; Purple Martin; Red-necked Grebe; Sage Sparrow; Sage Thrasher; Sharp-tailed Grouse; Upland Sandpiper; Vesper Sparrow; Western Bluebird; White-breasted Nuthatch; White-headed Woodpecker; Yellow-billed Cuckoo; Great Gray Owl; Greater Sage-Grouse Seasons: Summer; based on Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data, and winter; based on Christmas Bird Count (CBC) data Background: In completing its climate-impacts analysis for North American birds, Audubon has generated numerous maps of projected climate [...]

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This spatial prioritization for the US and Canada ranks the landscape according to the relative value of each 10 x 10 km pixel for conserving a single species or assemblage of species now and in the future. Prioritizations are useful for identifying where conservation actions can benefit birds the most.


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