The Brant is a small goose well known in Alaska for the tens of thousands of individuals thatmolt in the Teshekpuk Lake area of the coastal plain during the late summer. In ArcticAlaska, this species typically nests within 8 km of the coast although in the NationalPetroleum Reserve – Alaska (NPR-A) can nest up to 30 km inland (Reed et al. 1998, D.Ward, pers. comm.). Brant often nest in colonies near the upper edge of salt marshes alongsloping seacoasts or on estuarine deltas, although in areas where salt marshes are lesscommon, they will be more dispersed, nesting near small ponds and freshwater marshes (Reedet al. 1998). Brant subsist on a vegetarian diet and during breeding primarily focus on just afew species of sedges and grasses (Reed et al. 1998). Alaskan breeders spend their wintersalong the Pacific Coast of North America as far down as Baja California (Reed et al 1998).Current Pacific Brant population (which includes the sizeable Y-K delta breeders) isestimated at approximately 125,000 (Arctic Goose Joint Venture 2008).