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North Carolina (NC) Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) streamflow statistics for 266 streamgages across North Carolina


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Weaver, J.C., Granato, G.E., and Fitzgerald, S.A., 2019, Assessing water quality from highway runoff at selected sites in North Carolina with the Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM): U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The purpose of this USGS data release is to publish NC SELDM streamflow statistics and summary statistics of physical and chemical data in support of the information provided in the above-referenced report. This data release consists of two data sets, "NC SELDM streamflow statistics..." and "NC SELDM summary statistics for physical and chemical data...". The tables that are uploaded for the "NC SELDM streamflow statistics for 266 streamgages across North Carolina" sub-section are primarily the support files for the StreamStatsDB update that was completed when the report was approved. These files were generated using the GNWISQ and QSTATS computer programs developed and described by Granato (2009, appendices 1 and 4). This is discussed [...]


Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

NC_SELDM_266-sites_basin-characteristics.csv 111.87 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

375.37 KB application/fgdc+xml
QStatsDatFile0_266-sites.csv 23.04 MB text/csv
QStatsGISFile0_266-sites.csv 43.24 KB text/csv
ReadMe_for_file_descriptions.txt 4.76 KB text/plain
ReadMe_to_find_NCSELDM_streamflow statistics.pdf 126.89 KB application/pdf
SSDB_Annual_Input_266-sites.csv 63.8 KB text/csv
SSDB_Duration_Input_266-sites.csv 191.6 KB text/csv
SSDB_HarmonicMean-QAH_266-sites.csv 10.97 KB text/csv
SSDB_HarmonicMean-QAHNA_266-sites.csv 10.98 KB text/csv
SSDB_Jan_To_June_Input_266-sites.csv 221.36 KB text/csv
SSDB_July_To_Dec_Input_266-sites.csv 228.78 KB text/csv
SSDB_SELDM_Input_266-sites.csv 46.36 KB text/csv


The streamflow statistics are needed by decision makers for many planning, management, and design activities.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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