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Field spectra from a tracer dye experiment on the Kootenai River, ID, September 27, 2017


Publication Date


Legleiter, C.J., McDonald, R.R., Nelson, J.M., and Kinzel, P.J., 2019, Remotely sensed data and field measurements from a tracer dye experiment on the Kootenai River, ID, September 25-27, 2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Field spectra were collected from the Kootenai River in northern Idaho during a tracer dye experiment on September 25, 2017, to assess the potential for inferring concentrations of Rhodamine WT dye from remotely sensed data. Reflectance measurements were made from a boat near the confluence with Ball Creek with the Kootenai River using an Analytical Spectral Devices FieldSpec3 spectroradiometer operated in reflectance mode. The Rhodamine WT dye concentration at each spectral measurement location was interpolated from field measurements of concentration obtained with a Turner Designs C3 submersible fluorometer (sonde) by pairing time stamps from the spectra with those from the sonde. This data release provides both the reflectance spectra [...]


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“Locations, time stamps, dye concentrations, and reflectance measurements”
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“Metadata describing data format and processes by which data were produced.”
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Material Request Instructions

For questions concerning this data set, please contact:

Dr. Carl J. Legleiter -, 303-271-3651
Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory
United States Geological Survey
4620 Technology Drive, Suite #400
Golden, CO 80403


These field spectra were used to establish relationships between Rhodamine WT dye concentration and reflectance that could be used to infer dye concentrations from passive optical image data or field spectra. This information could be used to map dye patterns during tracer experiments and thus advance our understanding of dispersion processes in river channels.


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DOI 10.5066/P9CV4XEO

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