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Publication: Shifting Niche Space in Coastal Landscapes: Spatio-temporal Patterns Driving Submerged Aquatic Vegetation across the Northern Gulf of Mexico


Publication Date
2018-04-04 05:00:00


LCC Network Data Steward(Point of Contact), Kristin DeMarco(Author), Gulf Coast Prairie Landscape Conservation Cooperative(administrator), 2018-04-04(Publication), Publication: Shifting Niche Space in Coastal Landscapes: Spatio-temporal Patterns Driving Submerged Aquatic Vegetation across the Northern Gulf of Mexico


Identifying distributions of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) across the northern Gulf of Mexico (NGOM) coastal landscape necessitates describing ecological processes in estuarine gradients. SAV assemblages are ecological indicators of aquatic ecosystem health; spatial and temporal distributions are strongly correlated to environmental conditions. Many wildlife species, including waterfowl, are dependent on SAV and seeds in NGOM coastal marshes for food and habitat. To understand SAV distributions at multiple spatial and temporal scales a multi-tiered project was designed to collect SAV presence, species assemblage, and cover data, and cores to describe seed food. The first tier sampled inter-annually in the growing seasons 2013-2015 [...]


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