The Ahel cluster is named for the village of Ahel in Fars Province, Iran. This cluster consists of 184 events including the October 31, 1956 Gowdeh earthquake (Magnitude 6.6) and fourteen more older events prior to 1980. Calibration is greatly aided by data from a temporary network deployed by Farzam Yamini-Fard (IIEES). A.R. Ghods (IASBS) repicked many of the arrival times from Iranian networks, including S-P data from the INSM network of accelerometers (BHRC). Focal depths of 23 events are constrained with near-source data, 15 are set by local-distance data, and reminder are fixed to a cluster default of 12 km. Further information about this cluster is contained in: Karasözen et al. (in preparation), Seismotectonics of the Zagros (Iran) from orogen-wide earthquake relocations.
Number of events: 184
Calibration type: direct calibration using data to 1.2 degrees; hypocentroid calibration level = 2.0 km
Epicentral calibration range: 2 - 7 km
Date range: 19561031 - 20160728
Latitude range: 26.543 - 28.012
Longitude range: 52.799 - 54.790
Depth range: 4.0 - 23.0
Magnitude range: 3.4 - 6.4