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Data for Tritium as an Indicator of Modern, Mixed and Premodern Groundwater Age


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Lindsey, B.D., Jurgens, B.C., and Bellitz, K., 2019, Data for Tritium as an Indicator of Modern, Mixed and Premodern Groundwater Age: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Categorical classification of groundwater age based on concentrations of tritium (3H) in groundwater can provide useful information for the assessment and understanding of groundwater resources. These data present a three-part groundwater age classification system for the continental United States based on tritium thresholds that vary in space and time: modern (recharged after 1952), if the measured value is larger than an upper threshold; premodern (recharged prior to 1953) if the measured value is smaller than a lower threshold; or mixed if the measured value is between the two thresholds. Inclusion of spatially-varying that vary geographically on the basis of the location of the sample rather than a single threshold accounts for [...]


Point of Contact :
Bruce D Lindsey
Originator :
Bruce D Lindsey, Bryant C. Jurgens, Kenneth Belitz
Metadata Contact :
Jennifer B Sharpe
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources
SDC Data Owner :
Office of Planning and Programming
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

“Table of Tritium Data in the Central Valley, California”
28.98 KB text/csv
Original FGDC Metadata

34.5 KB application/fgdc+xml
“Table of Tritium Data for Paired Networks in the United States”
24.54 KB text/csv
“Table of Tritium Data for Public-Supply Wells in the United States”
112.27 KB text/csv


This data release includes water-quality data (tritium), sample collection date, and selected physical characteristics of wells (depth, region, principal aquifer) used to classify groundwater age and evaluate the resulting classifications nationally and regionally. The purpose of this data release is to present the data used to create and evaluate a three-part groundwater age classification system. Estimates of groundwater age are often used to enhance groundwater studies. Groundwater age is used to estimate recharge rates, to calibrate groundwater models, and to infer susceptibility of groundwater to contamination by activities at the land surface.



  • National Water-Quality Assessment Project
  • USGS Data Release Products



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DOI doi:10.5066/P9DU94RV

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