In collaboration with the staff, members and partners of the CaribbeanLandscape Conservation Cooperative (CLCC), SustainaMetrix conducteda process to assemble the foundation of an ecosystem governanceknowledge base over the past 11 months. The CLCC includes theterrestrial and marine components of the Puerto Rican archipelago andthe US Virgin Islands. The purpose of an ecosystem governanceknowledge base was to contribute to the early stage development ofthe CLCC with a brief analysis of pressing issues, governance contexts,policy windows, opportunities and strategic actions needed to enhanceimplementation and collaboration among partners. While numerousroutine reporting has been conducted throughout the process of theproject, an in-person report to the CLCC will be conducted in mid-December 2013. The work with the CLCC was based upon the use ofcustom methods developed by SustainaMetrix and the results that hadbeen applied for the assessment of capacity to manage coral reefs inUSVI and Puerto Rico. Recommendations are included focus on assemblingand sharing critical information for use by the CLCC SteeringCommittee that can be used to sequence and prioritize actions in theearly stages of the CLCC. The vast majority of the work prepared underthis project was designed as a website to demonstrate to CLCCpartners the potential of an interactive and searchable ecosystem governanceknowledge base. Since the website is a demonstration, a linkis provided here but the user may need to log on with a username andpassword. For this service, please contact SJ Oh at SustainaMetrix.