Modeling Species at Risk to Support Species Status Assessments in the Southeast
ABSTRACT: The USFWS is working collaboratively with State Wildlife Agencies, Universities, Non-profits and others in the southeast to address the National Listing Workplan. The USFWS needs up-to-date information on current status and the likely impact of future changes to develop Species Status Assessments (SSAs), which help inform listing decisions. States, Universities and other partners are providing species expertise, location data, analytical support and logistical support (e.g. surveys). However, a significant knowledge gap remains in understanding potential species distributions, from which status surveys can be more strategically implemented. This project provides a bridge between species location information and the SSAs by [...]
ABSTRACT: The USFWS is working collaboratively with State Wildlife Agencies, Universities, Non-profits and others in the southeast to address the National Listing Workplan. The USFWS needs up-to-date information on current status and the likely impact of future changes to develop Species Status Assessments (SSAs), which help inform listing decisions. States, Universities and other partners are providing species expertise, location data, analytical support and logistical support (e.g. surveys). However, a significant knowledge gap remains in understanding potential species distributions, from which status surveys can be more strategically implemented. This project provides a bridge between species location information and the SSAs by developing empirically-driven, high resolution information on distributions of species, as well as their likely responses to landscape changes. In its first year (2018), the project team is already modeling 4-6 Workplan species including plants, insects and salamanders. These models will guide status surveys which will provide data for SSAs and may provide evidence supporting removal of the species from the petition. Requested funds will be used to extend the project for 2 years, as well as provide funding for acquisition or development of species location and environmental data that can be used to assess other species in the Workplan.
AWARD ID: F17AC00899
START DATE: 1/2/2018
END DATE: 12/31/2020
SOURCE: Region 4 Science Applications
AMOUNT: $250,000
PI: Dr. Kristine Evans
CONTACT INFO: Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, Box 9690, Mississippi State, MS 39762 ; Office. 662.325.3167; Email.
LEAD ORG: Mississippi State University
FWS PO: D. Todd Jones-Farrand