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Power analysis for monarchs and milkweed code


Wesier, Emily, 2019, Power analysis for monarchs and milkweed code, U.S. Geological Survey code release,


These scripts perform power analyses for milkweed, monarch eggs, and adult monarchs. Milkweed and eggs are simulated together; adults are simulated separately. Scripts test for either 1) power to detect trends or 2) power to detect differences among land-use sectors in density-when-present, as indicated in the file names. For demonstration purposes, each script runs only a small subset of scenarios and replicates, which finishes in a few minutes; the full set would take days to run unless performed in parallel on a supercomputer. Weiser_MMPower_Code0_PowerAnalysis_functions.r provides source code for functions that are used in the other scripts; scripts 1-4 are independent of one another.


Point of Contact :
Emily L Weiser

Attached Files

Click on title to download individual files attached to this item.

Weiser_MMPower_Code0_PowerAnalysis_functions.r 1.25 KB text/x-rsrc
License 2.6 KB text/plain
Weiser_MMPower_Code1_MilkweedEggs_Trend.r 20.82 KB text/x-rsrc
Weiser_MMPower_Code2_MonarchAdults_Trend.r 13.11 KB text/x-rsrc
Weiser_MMPower_Code3_MilkweedEggs_DiffDensity.r 18.76 KB text/x-rsrc
Weiser_MMPower_Code4_MonarchAdults_DiffDensity.r 12.1 KB text/x-rsrc
Weiser_MMPower_Readme.txt 1.95 KB text/plain


  • Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC)


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