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Preliminary Report on Mercury Geochemistry of Placer Gold Dredge Tailings, Sediments, Bedrock, and Waters in the Clear Creek Restoration Area, Shasta County, California


Roger P. Ashley, James J. Rytuba, Ronald Rogers, Boris B. Kotlyar, and David Lawler. 2002. Preliminary Report on Mercury Geochemistry of Placer Gold Dredge Tailings, Sediments, Bedrock, and Waters in the Clear Creek Restoration Area, Shasta County, California. Open-File Report 02–401. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY


Abstract Clear Creek, one of the major tributaries of the upper Sacramento River, drains the eastern Trinity Mountains. Alluvial plain and terrace gravels of lower Clear Creek, at the northwest edge of the Sacramento Valley, contain placer gold that has been mined since the Gold Rush by various methods including dredging. In addition, from the 1950s to the 1980s aggregate-mining operations removed gravel from the lower Clear Creek flood plain. Since Clear Creek is an important stream for salmon production, a habitat restoration program is underway to repair damage from mining and improve conditions for spawning. This program includes using dredge tailings to fill in gravel pits in the flood plain, raising the concern that mercury lost [...]

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  • Pacific Lamprey Data Clearinghouse
  • Pacific Region, Region 1
  • US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)


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