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Dependence of sedimentation behavior on pore-fluid chemistry for sediment collected offshore South Korea during the Second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition, UBGH2


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Jang, J., Stern, L.A., Waite, W.F., Cao, S.C., Jung, J., and Lee, J.Y., 2020, Dependence of sedimentation behavior on pore-fluid chemistry for sediment collected offshore South Korea during the Second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition, UBGH2: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


One goal of Korea’s second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Expedition, UBGH2, is to examine geotechnical properties of the marine sediment associated with methane gas hydrate occurrences found offshore eastern Korea in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea. Methane gas hydrate is a naturally occurring crystalline solid that sequesters methane in individual molecular cages formed by a lattice of water molecules. Offshore Korea, gas hydrate is found in thin, coarse-grained sediment layers that are interbedded with fine-grained sediment. Methane gas hydrate is a potential energy resource, but whether extracting methane from gas hydrate in these layered marine environments is technically and economically viable remains an open research topic as of 2019. [...]


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“Sedimentation dependence on pore fluid chemistry for UBGH2-6C-6P.”
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“Data in XLSX format.”
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“Data in CSV format.”
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“Four sediment settling tubes at the end of the sedimentation test for UBGH2-6C-6”
thumbnail 476.06 KB image/png


As sediment settles in fluid, one or more fluid-sediment interfaces tend to form and move over time. Tracking the position of the accumulated and depositional interfaces (defined in the attribute labels below and in the browse graphic) over time in different fluids yield insights into the dependence of interparticle interactions on fluid chemistry. Sedimentation data contained in this report include UBGH2 sediment specimens collected from fine-grained intervals interbedded within coarser-grained, gas hydrate-bearing layers, as well as from the underlying fine-grained seal sediment. Additionally, pore fluid chemistry is varied to reveal sediment behavior trends, particularly with regard to the pore-fluid freshening that will occur if methane is extracted as an energy resource from gas hydrates hosted by these reservoir sediments in situ.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9UJOYVR

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