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Raw seismic data and shot notes, Success Dam spillway seismic refraction survey, Porterville, California

December 2018 and July 2019


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Burton, B.L., Hunter, L.E., Cox, E.M., Lindsay, K.M., Galloway, R.G., and Nguyen, H., 2020, Success Dam Spillway seismic refraction survey, Porterville, California, December 2018 and July 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Compressional- (P-) wave seismic refraction data were acquired in December 2018 and July 2019 along fourteen profiles within the spillway of Success Dam in Porterville, California. A new concrete ogee weir is planned for construction within the existing spillway, and the P-wave seismic velocity models will be used to inform further geotechnical investigations, including siting new geologic borings, and the advanced engineering design phases in terms of rock rippability and relative rock hardness/competency. Data acquisition, processing, and modeling were conducted collaboratively between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Sacramento District. Data were acquired with Geometrics Geodes seismographs [...]


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13.96 KB application/fgdc+xml
SuccessSeismic_DataDictionary_ShotNotes.csv 816 Bytes text/csv 813.52 MB application/zip
SuccessSeismic_SeisAcqParamsSummary.pdf 89.74 KB application/pdf
SuccessSeismic_ShotNotes.csv 74.02 KB text/csv


These data were collected to contribute high-resolution information about subsurface geologic structure that will be used to inform further geotechnical investigations and engineering design phases for construction of a new concrete ogee weir and road relocation in the existing Success Dam spillway.

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