Core Research Center, cutting DZ16607, from well operated by CITIES SERVICE
Raw Properties from download, web scrape, MapServer, and Macrostrat API
{"Lib Num": "DZ16607", "API Num": "3003320043", "Operator": "CITIES SERVICE", "Well Name": "2 FORT UNION", "Field": "WILDCAT", "State": "NM", "County": "MORA", "Thin Sec": "F", "Analysis": "F", "Latitude": "35.8779", "Longitude": "-104.9647", "coordinates_geohash": "9wmk57r5cjqc", "Source": "CENTER OF SECTION", "Min": "440", "Max": "2700", "Security Flag": null, "crc_collection_name": "cutting", "sb_parent_id": "4f4e49d8e4b07f02db5df2d2", "intervals": [{"Formation": null, "Age": null, "Min Depth": null, "Max Depth": null}], "crcwc_url": "", "surface_rocktype": ["arenite", "limestone", "shale", "siltstone"], "surface_age": "Albian - Cenomanian", "gmu_name": "Upper and lower Cretaceous rocks of east-central and northeast New Mexico", "strat_unit": "Romeroville Sandstone; Pajarito Shale; Mesa Rica Sandstone; Tucumcari Shale; Glencairn Formation", "gmu_ref": ""}