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Field spectra from salmon spawning locations on the American River, California, November 5-7, 2018


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Legleiter, C.J., and Harrison, L.R., 2020, Image data and field measurements used to map salmon spawning locations via remote sensing, American River, California, November 5-7, 2018: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This child data release includes field spectra obtained as part of a study focused on mapping chinook salmon spawning locations along the American River near Sacramento, California, via remote sensing; the data were collected November 5-7, 2018. The purpose of this study was to develop and test a spectrally based technique for identifying salmon spawning locations, known as redds, from various types of remotely sensed data. Traditionally, redds have been mapped by eye while walking the bank or from a boat, or by an observer in an aircraft or an interpreter visually examining aerial images. The goal of this proof-of-concept investigation was to assess the potential for more efficient, objective, and automated redd mapping from conventional [...]


Attached Files

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“Metadata about the data and the processes by which it was produced”
Original FGDC Metadata

16.83 KB application/fgdc+xml
“Example spectra from the pot, tail, and undisturbed substrate for three redds”
thumbnail 116.84 KB image/jpeg
“Reflectance spectra from pot & tail of redds and adjacent undisturbed substrate”
535.86 KB text/csv

Material Request Instructions

For questions concerning this data set, please contact:

Dr. Carl J. Legleiter -, 303-271-3651
Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory
United States Geological Survey
4620 Technology Drive, Suite #400
Golden, CO 80403


The purpose of this study was to develop and test a spectrally based technique for identifying salmon spawning locations, known as redds, from various types of remotely sensed data. Traditionally, redds have been mapped by eye while walking the bank or from a boat, or by an observer in an aircraft or an interpreter visually examining aerial images. The goal of this proof-of-concept investigation was to assess the potential for more efficient, objective, and automated redd mapping from conventional true color (RGB, or red/green/blue) and hyperspectral images.


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Additional Information


Type Scheme Key
DOI doi:10.5066/P998CGA2
USGS_ScienceCenter Water - Integrated Modeling and Prediction Division
USGS_MissionArea Water Resources

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