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Topographic point cloud for the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, 2019-06-05


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Logan, J.B., Grossman, E.E., and VanArendonk, N.R., 2021, Aerial imagery and structure-from-motion data products from UAS survey of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA, June 2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This portion of the data release presents a topographic point cloud of the intertidal zone at Lone Tree Point, Kiket Bay, WA. The point cloud was derived from structure-from-motion (SfM) processing of aerial imagery collected with an unmanned aerial system (UAS) on 2019-06-05. The point cloud has 206,323,353 points with an average point density of 929 points per-square meter. The point cloud is tiled to reduce individual file sizes and is grouped within a zip file for downloading. Each point in the point cloud contains an explicit horizontal and vertical coordinate, color, intensity, and classification. Water portions of the point cloud were classified using a polygon digitized from the orthomosaic imagery derived from these surveys [...]


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These data were collected to characterize the morphology, substrate composition and roughness of intertidal areas to support modeling of coastal storm and wave impacts with sea-level rise as part of the USGS Puget Sound Coastal Storm Modeling System (PS-CoSMoS). The data are also intended to be used to model and evaluate sediment transport and its effects on coastal habitats, a focus of the USGS Coastal Habitats in Puget Sound Project (CHIPS) and its partners to inform resource management and adaptive planning for our Nation's coasts.

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