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Graphical representations of data from sediment cores collected in 2009 offshore from Palos Verdes, California


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Maier, K.L., Paull, C.K., McGann, M., and Conrad, J.E., 2016, Sediment core data from offshore Palos Verdes, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This part of the data release includes graphical representation (figures) of data from sediment cores collected in 2009 offshore of Palos Verdes, California. This file graphically presents combined data for each core (one core per page). Data on each figure are continuous core photograph, CT scan (where available), graphic diagram core description (graphic legend included at right; visual grain size scale of clay, silt, very fine sand [vf], fine sand [f], medium sand [med], coarse sand [c], and very coarse sand [vc]), multi-sensor core logger (MSCL) p-wave velocity (meters per second) and gamma-ray density (grams per cc), radiocarbon age (calibrated years before present) with analytical error (years), and pie charts that present grain-size [...]


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The sediment cores and subsequent core data were collected to investigate the Palos Verdes Fault and continental slope sedimentation.

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