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An updated X-ray diffractogram library of geologic materials


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Kane, T.J., Campbell, K.M., and Eberl, D.D., 2021, An updated X-ray diffractogram library of geologic materials: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern library presented here is intended for qualitative or quantitative mineralogical analysis of geologic materials. The original collection of 169 reference diffractograms was released by Eberl (2003) as a part of RockJock, a USGS program for quantitative analysis of mineralogy, which included patterns of many of the major rock-forming minerals needed to analyze a wide variety of rocks, sediments, soils, and other geologic materials. The library was generated from mineral samples collected from the environment or synthesized in the laboratory. In the case of geologic samples, every effort was made to collect as pure a mineral specimen as possible. The purpose of this data release is to update the patterns [...]


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Original FGDC Metadata

132.23 KB application/fgdc+xml
RJ_ComparisonMaterials_purePatterns.csv 1.72 MB text/csv
RJ_ComparisonMaterials_spikePatterns.csv 1.68 MB text/csv
vertrel_mixtures_data.csv 39.67 KB text/csv
RJ_ComparisonMaterials_values.csv 13.64 KB text/csv
RockMix_wVertrel.tif 3.7 MB image/geotiff
RockMix_noVertrel.tif 3.7 MB image/geotiff
vertrel_mixtures_results.csv 172 Bytes text/csv


The purpose of this dataset is to provide an updated library of X-ray powder diffraction data intended for qualitative or full-pattern quantitative mineralogical analysis of geologic materials. These data are meant to accompany RockJock, a USGS program for quantitative analysis of mineralogy. However, this library of diffractograms may be used effectively for quantitative mineralogical analysis of geologic materials using other programs that utilize full-pattern summation. Please note that the precision of the values contained in the CSVs is correct in each file. However, trailing zeros are truncated when these files are opened in Microsoft Excel, giving a false impression of analytical precision. Please take caution when working with these data in Excel.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ID8IX1

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