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Nevada Invasives Treatment and Restoration Initiative (NITRI): Detecting non-target herbicide effects on native Great Basin plants


ABSTRACT: We propose a series of field and greenhouse studies designed to test the non-target effects of these two herbicides, Imazipic and Indaziflam. We will use a combination of methods, including precision planting, small-plot treatments, and field-trial measurements. Together, these efforts will provide information about the degree of susceptibility of native forbs and grasses, along with information on how planting depth interacts with herbicide application to inhibit germination of desirable seeds. AWARD ID: F20AC00091 mod 1 START DATE: 9/1/2020 END DATE: 8/31/2023 SOURCE: Region 8 Science Applications AMOUNT: $51,237.83 PI: Dr. Paul Meiman CONTACT INFO: LEAD ORG: University of Nevada, Reno ​ [...]

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