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Riverine Sand Mining/Scofield Island Restoration (BA-40): 2018 habitat classification, detailed habitat classes


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Beck, H.J., Thurman, H.R., Enwright, N.M., Dugas, J.L., and Cheney, W.C., 2021, Riverine Sand Mining/Scofield Island Restoration (BA-40): 2018 habitat classification, detailed habitat classes: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring (BICM) program was developed by Louisiana’s Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) and is implemented as a component of the System Wide Assessment and Monitoring Program (SWAMP). The program uses both historical data and contemporary data collections to assess and monitor changes in the aerial and subaqueous extent of islands, habitat types, sediment texture and geotechnical properties, environmental processes, and vegetation composition. Examples of BICM datasets include still and video aerial photography for documenting shoreline changes, shoreline positions, habitat mapping, land change analyses, light detection and ranging (lidar) surveys for topographic elevations, single-beam [...]


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BA_40_2018_BICM_Habitat_Classification.jpg thumbnail 3.16 MB image/jpeg
BA_40_2018_BICM_Habitat_Classification.pdf 3.38 MB application/pdf
Original FGDC Metadata

26.7 KB application/fgdc+xml


Barrier islands provide numerous invaluable ecosystem services including storm protection and erosion control for the mainland, habitat for fish and wildlife, salinity regulation in estuaries, carbon sequestration in marshes, recreation, and tourism (Barbier and others, 2011). These islands are very dynamic environments due to their position at the land-sea interface. Storms, wave energy, tides, currents, and relative sea-level rise are powerful forces that shape barrier island geomorphology and habitats. The BICM habitat products developed through this effort will provide a powerful tool for tracking changes to barrier island habitats over time. The products can also be used for restoration monitoring to evaulate the status of restoration projects and and impacts on barrier island habitats. For more details on BICM habitat classes, see the Entity and Attribute Information section of the metadata. Please consult the accompanying readME.txt file for information and recommendations on the contents of this dataset (i.e., dataset and recommended symbology). For more information about recent BICM habitat mapping, see Enwright and others (2020).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P97NSPBM

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