Aerial photograph of Mount Wachsmuth, including southeast corner of Shainin Lake, Alapah Creek, Sugarloaf Hill, and North Ridge. Anaktuvuk district, Northern Alaska region, Alaska. 1949.
Date Taken
Album caption: Aerial photograph of Mount Wachsmuth, including southeast corner of Shainin Lake, Alapah Creek, Sugarloaf Hill, and North Ridge. Chevrons are lines of traverse sections. Heavy dashed lines are boundaries of formations and thrust faults (T). Light dashed lines are boundaries of members. Ds, Upper Devonia Shale and Sandstone (unnamed). DK. Kanayut Conglomerate, undifferentiated; DK1, lower member; Dkm, middle conglomerate member; Dks, Stuver member. Mk, Kayak Shale, undifferentiated; Mks, basaal sandstone member; Mk 1, lower black shale member; Mka, argillaceous limestone member; Mku, upper black shale member; Mkr, red limestone member. M1, Lisburne group, undifferentiated, Mw, Wachsmuth Limestone, undifferentiated; Mws, [...]
Album caption: Aerial photograph of Mount Wachsmuth, including southeast corner of Shainin Lake, Alapah Creek, Sugarloaf Hill, and North Ridge. Chevrons are lines of traverse sections. Heavy dashed lines are boundaries of formations and thrust faults (T). Light dashed lines are boundaries of members. Ds, Upper Devonia Shale and Sandstone (unnamed). DK. Kanayut Conglomerate, undifferentiated; DK1, lower member; Dkm, middle conglomerate member; Dks, Stuver member. Mk, Kayak Shale, undifferentiated; Mks, basaal sandstone member; Mk 1, lower black shale member; Mka, argillaceous limestone member; Mku, upper black shale member; Mkr, red limestone member. M1, Lisburne group, undifferentiated, Mw, Wachsmuth Limestone, undifferentiated; Mws, shaly limestone member; Mwc, crinoidal limestone member; Mwd, dolomite member; Mwb, banded chert-limestone member. Ma, Alapah Limestone, undifferen tiated; Mas, shaly limestone member; Mad, dark limestone member; Map, platy limestone member; Mab, banded limestone member; Mac, black chert-shale member; Mal, light-gray limestone member; Maf, fine-grained limestone member; Man, chert-nodule member; Mau, upper limestone member;. Qg, high-level gravels. Qal, alluvium. Anaktuvuk district, Northern Alaska region. Alaska 1949. (Photo by U.S. Navy)
Published as plate 1 in U.S. Geological Survey Professional paper 303-A. 1957.
Panorama with A.L. Bowsher photograph number 2, bal00002.
Available in the U.S. Geological Survey Denver Library Photographic Collection, Bowsher, A.L. Collection.
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