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Human Factors of Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin


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Hines, M.K., Herman-Mercer, N.M., Bair, L.S., Restrepo-Osorio, D.L., Romero, V.Y., and Lyde, A., 2022, Human Factors of Water Availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


Human factors that influence water availability in the Basin were discovered by reviewing hundreds of published literature items and articles from the literature following an extensive keyword search. The different factors were drawn from reviewing the literature, and datasets to support the factor were researched across open data catalogs and the world wide web. Data related to the Human Factors project water availability sectors of agriculture, industrial, municipal, and those related to ecosystem services, tourism, or other uses can be found here. Reproducible R scripts used to pull data or process data can be found within the section for the sector itself. Reproducible R scripts used to manage the literature review can be found [...]

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The data were collected and organized as examples of data that could be useful in examining factors impacting water availability in the Upper Colorado River Basin.

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doi doi:10.5066/P99PAIVH

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