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Thickness of the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana’s surficial confining unit and shallow sand lenses


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Hill, K.L., Kress, W.H., and Lindaman, M.A., 2022, Thickness of the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana’s surficial confining unit and shallow sand lenses, southwestern Louisiana: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Chicot aquifer system is a vital water resource for Southwestern Louisiana, providing nearly half of the fresh groundwater the region consumes (Sargent, 2011). The aquifer’s surficial confining unit consists of a wedge-shaped thickening sequence of south to southeastern dipping, interbedded clays and courser material (primarily sand and gravel). In collaboration with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LDOTD), Sargent and others (2004) extracted data from driller’s logs, geophysical logs, and well construction information for 2094 wells overlying the Chicot aquifer to enhance the delineation of the thickness and occurence of the aquifer’s surficial confining unit. These data were applied here to create tabular [...]


Point of Contact :
Wade H Kress
Originator :
Kristi L Hill, Wade H Kress, Maxwell A Lindaman
Metadata Contact :
Kristi L Hill
Publisher :
U.S. Geological Survey
Distributor :
U.S. Geological Survey - ScienceBase
SDC Data Owner :
Lower Mississippi-Gulf Water Science Center
USGS Mission Area :
Water Resources

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“shape file”
270.97 KB application/zip
“tabular data”
353.29 KB text/csv
2.77 KB text/plain
Thickness of the Chicot scu.xml
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73.95 KB application/fgdc+xml


The purpose of this data release is to create a shapefile of point data, in tabular format, that contains tops and bottoms of sand and clay layers collected from geophysical wells logs and drillers logs for the surficial confining unit of the Chicot aquifer system. These data can be used to provide a framework for future characterization of the upper part of the Chicot aquifer system of southwestern Louisiana.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9W2SKSY

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