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USGS EcoDrought Stream Discharge, Gage Height, and Water Temperature Data in Massachusetts


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Fair, J.B., Bruet, C.R., Rogers, K.M., Dubreuil, T.L., Hayden, M.J., Hitt, N.P., Letcher, B.H., and Snyder, C.D., 2022, USGS EcoDrought stream discharge, gage height, and water temperature data in Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The USGS Water Mission Area (WMA) - Ecosystems Mission Area (EMA) EcoDrought project is comprised of interdisciplinary teams in five pilot regions across the country. The over-arching project goal is to measure streamflow in headwater streams and to relate flow variation to stream fish population dynamics. In the northeast, the New England Water Science Center (NewEngWSC) partnered with the fish ecology group at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Lab (Conte), a part of the EMA’s Eastern Ecological Science Center. The Conte fish ecology team has been collecting ecological and stream water temperature data in the West Brook watershed located in Whately, Massachusetts, since 1997, where they developed novel methods to track individual [...]


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EcoDrought Continuous_MA.csv 40.42 MB text/csv
EcoDrought_Discrete_MA.csv 18.29 KB text/csv
MA_site_info.csv 759 Bytes text/csv
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31.57 KB application/fgdc+xml


Stream discharge, gage height, and water temperature data were collected to better understand the variability of flow and temperature in headwater streams (third order streams and smaller for this data set).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9ES4RQS

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