The Southeastern United States is a biodiversity hotspot that is threatened by a variety of anthropogenic influences, including urbanization and climate change. Of the 65 plants that have vanished in North America since European settlement, 25 (40%) have been from the Southeast. The Southeastern Plant Conservation Alliance (SE PCA) seeks to develop a Regional Species of Greatest Conservation Need (RSGCN) list for plants to inform conservation strategies and conduct conservation status assessments and ranking updates for priority species. This list is needed to communicate shared priorities between agencies and
other conservation partners. It can be referenced in State Wildlife Action Plan revision and implementation as well as in proposals demonstrating research needs and conservation activities for highly imperiled and data deficient taxa. Developing this RSGCN list is a goal of the SEAFWA Wildlife Diversity Committee and would complement the existing animal RSGCN list that was developed for the SEAFWA region in 2018-2019.
START DATE: 10/01/2021
END DATE: 04/01/2023
SOURCE: Region 4 Science Applications
AMOUNT: $149,975
PI: Dr. Emily CoffeyCONTACT INFO: Office: 404-591-1590 Email:
LEAD ORG: Atlanta Botanical Garden, 1345 Piedmont Avenue NE, Atlanta, GA 30309
FWS PO: D. Todd Jones-Farrand