In January of 2022, the 4 were updated to correct a minor formatting issue that impacted the streamflow percentile files for 16/3198 streamgages in the study. One of the columns is the station ID called StaID. This is the 8-digit USGS identifier for the gage in character format. The readR read_csv function read the 8-digit ID as a viable date format so for those 16 sites instead of being an 8-character string (e.g. "01350120") it was converted to a date format (e.g. "0135-01-20"). Since it impacted only a small fraction of the sites (<1%) it wasn't captured in the spot checks we did, and since it was only a descriptive column it wasn't captured when testing the plotting of the data. All of these cases were identified for each of the 4 zip files and the formatting was corrected. This impacts 16 sites for the 1981-2020 period, 2 sites for the 1951-2020 period, and 1 site for the 1921-2020 period and the CRB regional period. The streamgage IDs that were impacted were: "01350120", "01480617", "01671020", "02130910", "02160105", "02471001", "03011020", "04100222", "04240120", "05570910", "07060710", "07191220", "07301110", "08110325", "08110430", and "09371010".
Annual_Stats_Data_Dictionary.csv updated on October 4, 2023.