Categorization rules used to coarsen LANDFIRE Biophysical Settings data into fewer groups for modeling invasive plant cover in the Great Basin
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Sofaer, H.R., 2022, Great Basin predicted potential cheatgrass abundance, with model estimation and validation data from 2011-2019: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
LANDFIRE biophysical settings describe and map plant communities based on geophysical conditions and natural disturbance regimes (LANDFIRE 2016). This dataset is the ruleset used by Sofaer et al. (the related larger work for this data release) to simplify the many LANDFIRE categories within the Great Basin into fewer, coarser groups for the purpose of modeling.
LANDFIRE biophysical settings describe and map plant communities based on geophysical conditions and natural disturbance regimes (LANDFIRE 2016). This dataset is the ruleset used by Sofaer et al. (the related larger work for this data release) to simplify the many LANDFIRE categories within the Great Basin into fewer, coarser groups for the purpose of modeling.