This data set compiles regulatory information about river and stream impairments within the Chesapeake Bay watershed as part of a Chesapeake Bay watershed multi-stressor meta-analysis project.
Data are contained in a single combined and name-harmonized dataset originating from a snapshot of the Environmental Protection Agency's Assessment and Total Maximum Daily Load Tracking and Implementation System (ATTAINS) obtained in Spring of 2020. These data were clipped to only waterbodies contained in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and were designated to be free-flowing (e.g., rivers and streams). This compiled dataset contains information on a waterbody's designated uses, parameter impairments, and potential sources of that impairment.
Be aware, as data on potential sources were joined to parameter impairments in a "one-parameter to many-sources" format, individual impairments might have multiple rows in this dataset, with one row for each potential source. Use of this dataset to evaluate only unique parameter impairments necessitates retaining only unique parameter and assessment unit information.