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Seepage-run discharge measurements on Hawai'i Island and west Maui, 2021 to 2022


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Pagaduan, L.D., Rochester, R.A., Nakama, R.K., Senter, C.A., Shimizu, B.H., Nishimoto, D.C., and Whisenhunt, A.M., 2023, Seepage-run discharge measurements on Hawai'i Island and west Maui, 2021 to 2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release is part of a cooperative study to assess streamflow availability under low-flow conditions for streams on the island of Hawai'i and West Maui from 2021 to 2022. This data release contains seven child items that consist of the following files: (1) a metadata xml file describing the data release files and data attributes, (2) an annotated NWIS-Mapper screen-captured image showing the seepage-run measurement sites, and (3) a comma-delimited ascii data file with the discrete discharge measurements. These discrete discharge measurements form what is commonly referred to as a “seepage run.” The intent of the seepage run is to quantify the spatial distribution of streamflow along the reach during fair-weather, low-flow conditions, [...]

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Seepage-run discharge measurements on Hawai'i Island and west Maui, 2021 to 2022.xml
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The purpose of this data release is to describe measurement methods used and results of same-day, discrete discharge measurements made at sites along the selected stream reaches.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9NGPHKJ

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