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Final Report: Examining how ridge-to-reef governance in Palau can enhance coastal food security in a changing climate




The people of the Republic of Palau rely on coasts for food, culture, and their economy. Stressors from land use change, sea-level rise, and warming oceans could threaten the food and livelihood security of many Palauans. Moreover, potential unintended consequences of conservation policies could increase pressures on already heavily exploited reef systems. Specifically, the recently implemented Palau National Marine Sanctuary (PNMS) closed 80% of Palau’s Exclusive Economic Zone to fishing. As offshore fish become more scarce in the domestic market, managers worry about increased harvesting pressure on already overfished nearshore resources. Adaptively managing stressors in an integrated way can cost-effectively mitigate declines and [...]


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  • National and Regional Climate Adaptation Science Centers
  • Pacific Islands CASC


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