Collection of decoded radio collar telemetry data created by the proprietary “Telonics Data Converter” (TDC) software (version 2.64) from raw Iridium (.idf) files. The TDC software associates collar programming parameters from “TPF” files with related transmitters and decodes the raw Iridium data to produce three text files for each transmitter: a telemetry data file, a transmitter statistics file and a Google Earth KML file. Newly converted data is appended to existing transmitter files. The TDC software was configured to create the telemetry data file in the Telonics “Complete CSV” format. The telemetry CSV files has a 24 line header, with the 24th line containing the column names. The statistics CSV file has a 12 line header, with the 12th line containing the column names. Files are named:* “[ctn][space]Complete.csv” for complete CSV files,* “[ctn][space]Statistics.csv” for statistics files and* “[ctn].kml” for Google Earth files
where:* [ctn] = Telonics serial number that uniquely identifies a radio collar,* [space] = space character
The Telonics Data Converter (version 2.64) help documentation describes the “Complete” format as:
The Complete format includes the converted data from all received rows. Transmitters typically send the same message multiple times to increase the chances of the message being received by a satellite. As a result, some messages are not received at all and some are received multiple times. If your transmitter is programmed to send partial pages, there is an even greater chance for data repetition. Since rows are sorted, duplicate data is typically grouped together in the report. Viewing the Complete format of the report allows you to see how many times the message was received, giving you greater confidence in the validity of the data.