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Head-observation files to identify the highest simulated water table for Clover Creek watershed, Pierce County, Washington


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Wright, E.E. and Long, A.J., 2024, High and average water table estimates for Clover Creek watershed, Pierce County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The depths to a high and average water table below the land surface were estimated across the Clover Creek watershed in Pierce County, Washington. Groundwater model simulations provided initial estimates of water-table depths for the analysis. To provide optimized, data-driven estimates of these depths, a continuous bias correction surface was applied to model output according to differences between simulated and observed water levels at observation wells.


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42.72 KB application/fgdc+xml
Pierce_obs_out.hob 548.69 KB text/plain
PierceUIC_hob_input.hob 711.13 KB text/plain
readme_HOB.txt 1.93 KB text/plain
SES_tr.nam 2.51 KB text/plain


A critical parameter related to the regulatory requirements of underground injection control (UIC) structures that collect stormwater runoff is the vertical distance between the bottom of the structure and the water table. However, the depth of the water table cannot be measured unless a well is present. A method is needed to estimate this depth at all existing and potential locations of UIC structures. These estimates of the depth to the water table may also be beneficial to local communities, water resource managers, and natural resource agencies by providing information that can assist in the management of groundwater availability and the understanding of groundwater and surface water interaction.



  • USGS Data Release Products



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