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Data supporting the construction of the Three-Dimensional Geologic Map and Geology-based Seismic Velocity Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and surrounding region, California


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Graymer, R.W., McFaul, R.S., and Valin, Z.C., 2023, Data supporting the construction of the Three-Dimensional Geologic Map and Geology-based Seismic Velocity Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and surrounding region, California: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This report includes the previously unpublished primary and derivative data sets that underpin the construction of the three dimensional (3D) geologic map of the upper part of the Earth's crust beneath the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California. The primary data is X,Y,Z locations of stratigraphic horizons and, to a much lesser extent, geologic structures where penetrated by oil and gas wells in the subsurface as recorded in well logs and well records. The derivative data sets were constructed to more closely constrain the principal stratigraphic horizons and geologic structures that were incorporated into the 3D model. The derivative data sets are extracted from the principal data set or a combination of the principal data [...]


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DataReleasePamphletdocx.docx 19.47 KB application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
delta_contours_faults.csv 91.65 KB text/csv
delta_contours_TopBasementDeep.csv 44.76 KB text/csv
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delta_contours_TopBasementShallow.csv 41.92 KB text/csv
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delta_contours_TopPg.csv 112.96 KB text/csv
delta_wells_primary.csv 575.1 KB text/csv
delta_wells_TopBasement.csv 2.42 KB text/csv
delta_wells_TopK.csv 79.35 KB text/csv
delta_wells_TopPg.csv 38.6 KB text/csv
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The 3D geologic map was constructed primarily to form the basis for a 3D seismic velocity model of the region, which can be used to improve forecasts of earthquake shaking. Accurate estimates of shaking are of critical importance to this region because of its extensive levee system which is susceptible to failure under moderate to large shaking and its proximity to the large earthquake sources of the San Andreas Fault System to the west. Significant levee failure could lead to the disruption of the California Water System, which provides some or all of the drinking water to 22 million people and supports much of a $27 billion agricultural industry (California Department of Water Resources, 2007; 2009).

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DOI doi:10.5066/P9CTC3U4

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