J. E. Peterson, 19770101, Geologic map of the Noachis Quadrangle of Mars: , https://doi.org/10.5066/P9YTJ1MC.
The Noachis quadrangle is in the ancient cratered highlands of Mars. Craters dominate the surface of the planet in this area; most are of impact origin, some are of volcanic origin, and some are of undetermined origin. Impact craters in the Noachis quadrangle are classified into four groups based on their morphologic characteristics, each group representing a relative age range. Where applicable, superposition relations support relative age determinations based on crater morphology.
The Noachis quadrangle is in the ancient cratered highlands of Mars. Craters dominate the surface of the planet in this area; most are of impact origin, some are of volcanic origin, and some are of undetermined origin. Impact craters in the Noachis quadrangle are classified into four groups based on their morphologic characteristics, each group representing a relative age range. Where applicable, superposition relations support relative age determinations based on crater morphology.
Digitized 1:5,000,000-scale geologic map of the Noachis Quadrangle of Mars. Oringinally mapped on Mariner 9 imagery. The map was imported into ArcMap and georeferenced to the Mars THEMIS basemap. Contacts and geologic units were digitized and attributed based on type and unit name.