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Digital location of monoclines and structural uplifts of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah


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Sweetkind, D.S., and Smout, B., 2024, Digital location of monoclines and structural uplifts of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


The Colorado Plateau structural province features long monoclinal flexures between uplifts and basins that are the major lines of deformation within and marginal to the Plateau. These folds are named, well-known, and have been described as part of several previous tectonic syntheses of the Colorado Plateau (Kelley, 1955; Davis, 1978; 1999). However, no digital data have ever been created that locate these folds in digital map space. This digital dataset compiles mapped locations of monoclinal folds from several geologic maps from the Colorado Plateau, most released only in “paper”, non-vector format. Fold names and their general map trace were guided by regional-scale maps that synthesize the tectonic elements of the Colorado Plateau, [...]


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24.2 KB application/fgdc+xml


This digital dataset was created as part of U.S. Geological Survey efforts to inventory, catalog, and release subsurface geologic data in geospatial form as part of a broad directive to develop 2D and 3D geologic information at detailed, national, and continental scales. This digital dataset results from goal within the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program to convert subsurface data that were previously published in non-digital format to digital, vector-based data suitable for use by the public and in USGS studies. The objective of the data conversion is to reproduce the original published mapping with little to no added interpretation. As parts of the Colorado Plateau are evaluated for water, oil and gas, and minerals resources, or assessed for carbon or energy storage potential, there is the need for digital subsurface data to support construction of digital 3D geologic models for subsurface conceptualization, exploration, and process models. GIS data defining the location of structural features are one component of such models; these data, derived from previous studies, provide a fundamental starting point. The intended uses of this dataset include, but are not limited to, natural resource modeling, mapping, and visualization.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P93F9ZBY

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