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Quaternary fault mapping of the Zapata and Blanca sections of the Sangre de Cristo fault zone from high-resolution 3DEP topography


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Schwarz, M.F.G, Reitman, N.G., Thompson Jobe, J.A., and Johnstone, S.A., 2024, Quaternary fault mapping of the Zapata and Blanca sections of the Sangre de Cristo Fault Zone from high resolution 3DEP topography: U.S. Geological Survey data release,


This data release contains a dataset that depicts fault scarps along the Zapata and Blanca sections of the Sangre de Cristo fault zone located in the San Luis basin of southern Colorado. The Zapata and Blanca sections extend from the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve to the Blanca Peak massif and are differentiated by a sharp change in fault zone orientation from north-south to east-west. The fault scarps are the result of Quaternary tectonic extension causing surface rupturing earthquakes estimated to have occurred most recently 8-12 ka with probable Mw 6-7 (Ruleman & Machette, 2007). The dataset represents detailed mapping of probable fault surface rupture on high-resolution (1m/pix) topographic data from USGS 3DEP (U.S. [...]


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This data release was created to update fault rupture mapping of the Sangre de Cristo fault zone in support of Quaternary paleoseismic study and earthquake hazards. The detailed mapping from recent (2011 and 2020) high-resolution lidar-derived topography builds off previous Quaternary fault mapping efforts by providing finer characterization of fault zone segmentation and geometric complexity.

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DOI doi:10.5066/P13NFGLT

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