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Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity : 8 Associated Items

Methow River flow data from a USGS flow station near Pateros, WA  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
PIT tag data from mountain whitefish in the Methow  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
Strontium levels in mountain whitefish otoliths  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
PIT-tagged mountain whitefish interrogations at various PIT tag interrogators  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
Strontium levels of water samples  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
Water temperature near town of Pateros, Methow River, WA  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
Spatio-temporal variability in movement, age, and growth of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) in a river network based upon PIT tagging and otolith chemistry  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity
Development and evaluation of a bioenergetics model for bull trout  product of  Climate Change Threats to Fish Habitat Connectivity

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