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Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals : 9 Associated Items

Fidelity of the Sr/Ca proxy in recording ocean temperature in the western Atlantic coral <i>Siderastrea siderea</i>  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
A century of ocean warming on Florida Keys coral reefs: historic in situ observations  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Complexity of nearshore strontium-to-calcium ratio variability in a core sample of the massive coral Siderastrea siderea obtained in Coral Bay, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Core Archive Database for the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST) Project  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Calcification rates for the reef coral/electronic supplementary table  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Methods for monitoring corals and crustose coralline algae to quantify in-situ calcification rates  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Calcification rates of the massive coral Siderastrea siderea and crustose coralline algae along the Florida Keys (USA) outer-reef tract  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals
Sea-level rise could overwhelm coral reefs  product of  Impact of Ocean Warming and Acidification on Growth of Reef-Building Corals

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