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Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S. : 9 Associated Items

Complex Response of White Pines to Past Environmental Variability Increases Understanding of Future Vulnerability  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Final Report: Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Artificial amplification of warming trends across the mountains of the western United States  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Creating a topoclimatic daily air temperature dataset for the conterminous United States using homogenized station data and remotely sensed land skin temperature  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Evaluation of downscaled, gridded climate data for the conterminous United States  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Remotely Sensed Land Skin Temperature as a Spatial Predictor of Air Temperature across the Conterminous United States  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
TopoWx ("Topographical Weather/Climate") temperature dataset tile grid  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
Reconstruction of fire regimes through integrated paleoecological proxy data and ecological modeling  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.
NC CSC Paleoenvironmental Database  product of  Understanding Extreme Climate Events in the North Central U.S.

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