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Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment) : 5 Associated Items

Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment)  sub-project of  Science to Inform Future Management of the Nation's Fisheries and Aquatic Habitat
United States 2040 Land Cover Projection (Agriculture Expansion) 300m  product of  Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment)
Evaluation of a present-day climate simulation with a new coupled atmosphere-ocean model GENMOM  product of  Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment)
States_Detailed_National  product of  Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment)
Hierarchical modeling of urban growth across the conterminous USA: developing meso-scale quantity drivers for the Land Transformation Model  product of  Projected Land Use Change for the Conterminous United States (National Assessment)

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