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Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation : 6 Associated Items

Sediment Accumulation in Prairie Wetlands under a Changing Climate: the Relative Roles of Landscape and Precipitation  product of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation
Implications of climate change for wetland-dependent birds in the Prairie Potholes Region  product of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation
Projected wetland densities under climate change: habitat loss but little geographic shift in conservation strategy  product of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation
Vulnerability of Breeding Waterbirds to Climate Change in the Prairie Pothole Region  product of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation
Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers  product of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation
Capture of Down-Scale Climate Change Models. Part B: The Application of High Resolution Climate Models for Avian Conservation  sub-project of  Capture and interpretation of down-scaled climate change models to benefit avian conservation

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