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Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers : 26 Associated Items

EDDI: A Powerful Tool For Early Drought Warning  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Final Report: Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
SNOTEL sensor upgrade has caused temperature record inhomogeneities for the Intermountain West: Implications for climate change impact assessments  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Projected wetland densities under climate change: Habitat loss but little geographic shift in conservation strategy  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Variability in projected elevation dependent warming in boreal midlatitude winter in CMIP5 climate models and its potential drivers  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
A “toad’s eye” view of drought: regional socio-natural vulnerability and responses in 2002 in Northwest Colorado  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Complex Response of White Pines to Past Environmental Variability Increases Understanding of Future Vulnerability  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Colorado Climate Change Vulnerability Study  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Designing ecological climate change impact assessments to reflect key climatic drivers  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
The Cultural Theory of Risk for Climate Change Adaptation  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Changing climate suitability for forests in Yellowstone and the Rockies  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Great Plains Regional Technical Input Report  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
High-Resolution Climate Modeling for Regional Adaptation  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Drought Risk and Adaptation in the Interior United States: Understanding the importance of local context for resource management in times of drought  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
NC CSC Paleoenvironmental Database  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
North Central CSC 2014 Annual Report  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Chapter 19: Great Plains; Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
TopoWx ("Topographical Weather/Climate") temperature dataset tile grid  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
TopoWx: Topoclimatic Daily Air Temperature Dataset for the Conterminous United States  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Adaptation: U.S. National Climate Assessment 2014  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
A typology of adaptation actions: A global look at climate adaptation actions financed through the Global Environment Facility  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Climate Change in Wildlands: Pioneering Approaches to Science and Management  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Chapter 9: Risk Assessment; Climate Change and United States Forests  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Influence of Climate Variability and Large-Scale Circulation on Mountain Cryosphere  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
Patterns and Variability of Projected Bioclimatic Habitat for Pinus albicaulis in the Greater Yellowstone Area  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers
STEPWAT2: An individualā€based model for exploring the impact of climate and disturbance on dryland plant communities  product of  Foundational Science Area Activities: Providing Relevant and Usable Climate Information to Resource Managers

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