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Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change : 25 Associated Items

Urban Warming Slows Tree Growth, Photosynthesis  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Urban warming reduces aboveground carbon storage  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Urbanization Increases Pathogen Pressure on Feral and Managed Honey Bees  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Responses of arthropod populations to warming depend on latitude: evidence from urban heat islands  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
The Southern Megalopolis: Using the Past to Predict the Future of Urban Sprawl in the Southeast U.S.  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Final Memo for Integrating the Effects of Global and Local Climate Change on Wildlife in North America & Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban America & and Global Change  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Stable isotopes reveal links between human food inputs and urban ant diets  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Early pest development and loss of biological control are associated with urban warming  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Habitat and species identity, not diversity, predict the extent of refuse consumption by urban arthropods  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Water availability drives urban tree growth responses to herbivory and warming  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Temperature alone does not explain phenological variation of diverse temperate plants under experimental warming  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Warming and drought combine to increase pest insect fitness on urban trees  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Urban Growth Projection for DSL-SAMBI  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Stomatal acclimation to vapour pressure deficit doubles transpiration of small tree seedlings with warming  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Urban Warming Drives Insect Pest Abundance on Street Trees  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Urban Warming Trumps Natural Enemy Regulation of Herbivorous Pests  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Microbial communities respond to experimental warming, but site matters  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Habitat and species identity, not diversity, predict the extent of refuse consumption by urban arthropods  alternate of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Ant-mediated seed dispersal in a warmed world  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
High diversity in an urban habitat: are some animal assemblages resilient to long-term anthropogenic change?  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
The Effects of Urban Warming on Herbivore Abundance and Street Tree Condition  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Interactions in a warmer world: effects of experimental warming, conspecific density, and herbivory on seedling dynamics  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Contemporary climatic analogs for 540 North American urban areas in the late 21st century  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Exotic urban trees conserve similar natural enemy communities to native congeners but have fewer pests  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change
Getting ahead of the curve: cities as surrogates for global change  product of  Tree Eaters: Predicting the Response of Herbivores to the Integrated Effects of Urban and Global Change

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