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Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories : 5 Associated Items

Corrections to the article “Statistical downscaling of rainfall changes in Hawai‘i based on the CMIP5 global model projections” published (online) in JGR-Atmospheres 12 JAN 2015  product of  Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories
Projection of changes in the frequency of heavy rain events over Hawaii based on leading Pacific climate modes  product of  Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories
Statistical downscaling of rainfall changes in Hawai‘i based on the CMIP5 global model projections  product of  Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories
Data Download: Statistical Downscaling of Rainfall for the Hawaiian Islands using CMIP3 and CMIP5 Model Scenarios  product of  Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories
Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories Final report and Addendum  product of  Climate Change Impacts on Critical Ecosystems in Hawai‘i and US Pacific Islands Territories

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